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Be MemorableBusinessChocolateSales

How to be memorable at trade shows and conventions

By July 16, 2020September 14th, 2020No Comments

Once you have your Private Label Chocolate, we want to share the top ways to use it to be remembered, stand out, and grow your business at conventions and trade shows!

When you attend trade shows or conventions do you have items you hand out? There is no better item than premium chocolate with your brand to be remembered. A lot of our customers say their customers seek them out to get their chocolate at the shows. And as far as prospects, when you follow up with them, they may not remember your name or even your company, but they do remember the chocolate, so use that to your advantage. When you call or email, make sure you remind them about your chocolate and they will remember you. Let them know there is more where that came from!  Also, use it to your advantage by creating a conversation with the following questions:

Are you a chocolate lover?

What is your favorite type of chocolate? (milk, white or dark)

What’s your favorite flavor?

When can we connect so I can bring you more chocolate?!

It’s easy to bond through chocolate! I am always here to help you improve your convention and trade show game so feel free to connect with me to discuss more ways you can bring in more business when you attend. Also, follow us on social and listen to our podcast for more ideas!

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